Rate our Diaper Cakes, Drop Ship Program And More!

In the recent few weeks we have been busy working on upgrading our website. We have added a lot of new features, most of them are just to help us be more efficient, but we added a few for our customers as well. One feature we are really excited about is letting our customers rate and review our products. Some of the other new features include improved search, shopping cart thumbnail images and we are also in the middle of setting up a drop ship program (stay tuned). Qualified retailers will be able to list our unique diaper cakes and other products on their website or in their retail store without stocking inventory or any drop ship fees. Once you sell the item we simply ship it for you, we include YOUR return address and/or business name. We DO NOT include our company name anywhere on or in the order, so your customers stay yours. This allows you to sell a broad range of products with no investment. More details about our baby gifts drop ship program coming soon. Please enjoy the new features and please leave your rating or review, just click on the stars on the products page.